
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Buchanan- Human Status and Moral Enhancement (Summary 2nd Half) Essay

Buchanan- Human Status and Moral Enhancement (Summary 2nd Half) - Essay ExampleBuchanan treats this larger interrogate under two subsets, the first of which deals with the question If enhancement did result in posthumans, what implications would this have for the concept of human rights would it make that concept obsolete, as some have claimed and if it did, would this be a honourable catastrophe, as they have intimated?. The second subset, which and the further sections are under analysis in this paper, deals with the question Could the emergence of post humans result in there world a moral status higher than that of persons and hence require a rejection of the widely held Moral Equality Assumption, the assumption that all who have the characteristics sufficient for being persons are of equal moral status? (353).The second question which rather addresses the concerns regarding privileging the enhanced group of persons post persons and thus resulting in a higher moral status ra ises questions regarding the very basic assumptions regarding moral equality. Buchanan, in the second section, contemplates on this basic assumption and challenges those concerns on the basis of the inviolability, which should be understood as a threshold concept, of this assumption (363-364). That greater personhood does not confer greater inviolability seems to question the belief that persons interests might be sacrificed in the interests of the post persons (364). Even in multiplication of supreme emergency when persons might literally have to be sacrificed for the benefit of many it does not follow that there is a difference between the value of the former and the latter (364). Buchanan justifies himself by referring to instances of racism, ethnic minorities, developmental and physical disabilities etc., where similar concerns popped up and were dealt with on the basis of the

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